Hi Matt,

Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought NONMEM calculates the condition number 
based on the correlation matrix of the parameter estimates so it is scaled 
based on the standard errors of the estimates.


From: Matthew Fidler [mailto:matthew.fid...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 7:04 PM
To: Ken Kowalski <kgkowalsk...@gmail.com>
Cc: Kyun-Seop Bae <kyunseop....@gmail.com>; nmusers@globomaxnm.com; Jeroen 
Elassaiss-Schaap (PD-value B.V.) <jer...@pd-value.com>
Subject: Re: [NMusers] Condition number

Hi Ken & Kyun-Seop,

I agree it should be taught, since it is prevalent in the industry, and should 
be looked at as something to investigate further, but no hard and fast rule 
should be applied to if the model is reasonable and fit for purpose.  That 
should be done in conjunction with other diagnostic plots.

One thing that has always bothered me about the condition number is that it is 
calculated based on the final parameter estimates, but not the scaled parameter 
estimates.  Truly the scaling is supposed to help make the gradient on a 
comparable scale and fix many numerical problems here.  Hence, if the scaling 
works as it is supposed to,  small changes may not affect the colinearity as 
strongly as the calculated condition number suggests.

This is mainly why I see it as a number to keep in mind instead of a hard and 
fast rule.


On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 5:09 PM Ken Kowalski <kgkowalsk...@gmail.com 
<mailto:kgkowalsk...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Kyun-Seop,

I would state things a little differently rather than say “devalue condition 
number and multi-collinearity” we should treat CN as a diagnostic and rules 
such as CN>1000 should NOT be used as a hard and fast rule to reject a model.  
I agree with Jeroen that we should understand the implications of a high CN and 
the impact multi-collinearity may have on the model estimation and that there 
are other diagnostics such as correlations, variance inflation factors (VIF), 
standard errors, CIs, etc. that can also help with our understanding of the 
effects of multi-collinearity and its implications for model development.

That being said, if you have a model with a high CN and the model converges 
with realistic point estimates and reasonable standard errors then it may still 
be reasonable to accept that model.  However, in this setting I would probably 
still want to re-run the model with different starting values and make sure it 
converges to the same OFV and set of point estimates.

As the smallest eigenvalue goes to 0 and the CN goes to infinity we end up with 
a singular Hessian matrix (R matrix) so we know that at some point a high 
enough CN will result in convergence and COV step failures.  Thus, you 
shouldn’t simply dismiss CN as not having any diagnostic value, just don’t 
apply it in a rule such as CN>1000 to blindly reject a model.  The CN>1000 rule 
should only be used to call your attention to the potential for an issue that 
warrants further investigation before accepting the model or deciding how to 
alter the model to improve stability in the estimation.



Kenneth G. Kowalski

Kowalski PMetrics Consulting, LLC

Email:  <mailto:kgkowalsk...@gmail.com> kgkowalsk...@gmail.com

Cell:    248-207-5082

From: owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com <mailto:owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com>  
[mailto:owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com <mailto:owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com> ] On 
Behalf Of Kyun-Seop Bae
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 5:10 PM
To: nmusers@globomaxnm.com <mailto:nmusers@globomaxnm.com>
Subject: Fwd: [NMusers] Condition numbera

Dear All,

I would like to devalue condition number and multi-collinearity in nonlinear 

The reason we consider condition number (or multi-collinearity) is that this 
may cause the following fitting (estimation) problems;

1.      Fitting failure (fail to converge, fail to minimize)
2.      Unrealistic point estimates
3.      Too wide standard errors

If you do not see the above problems (i.e., no estimation problem with modest 
standard error), you do not need to give attention to the condition number.

I think I saw 10^(n – parameters) criterion in an old version of Gabrielsson’s 
book many years ago (but not in the latest version).

Best regards,

Kyun-Seop Bae

On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 at 22:59, Ayyappa Chaturvedula <ayyapp...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ayyapp...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Dear all,
I am wondering if someone can provide references for the condition number 
thresholds we are seeing (<1000) etc. Also, the other way I have seen when I 
was in graduate school that condition number <10^n (n- number of parameters)  
is OK. Personally, I am depending on correlation matrix rather than condition 
number and have seen cases where condition number is large (according to 1000 
rule but less than 10^n rule) but correlation matrix is fine.

I want to provide these for my teaching purposes and any help is greatly 




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