On Mar 22, 2009, at 8:59 PM, cardigrl wrote:

> Yes, but the problem is that the balances don't match INSIDE the  
> program, and I just got an overdraft notice from my bank when  
> (according to Moneywell) I've still got plenty of money left.  So  
> it's pretty important to me to figure out where our daily balances  
> don't jibe.  And I can't even get the three balances Moneywell gives  
> me to match with each other, let alone with the bank's.

If you have reconciled your account, then all the amounts in MoneyWell  
should match.

Usually the problem is that people don't have a starting balance  
transaction set correctly. When reconciling your account, you can  
select any transaction to see if the daily balance is correct. If you  
are working on your first reconcile statement in MoneyWell, you should  
be able to select the first day of that statement by selecting one of  
the first transactions and see that the total matches up.

Please let me know if this isn't clear. Our reconcile video tries to  
point out how to do this but can't cover every scenario.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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