On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 03:58, Marco Rogers <marco.rog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also think there is a bit of a contradiction between "low level" and
> "hiding implementation". IMO low level apis should expose as much as of the
> guts as possible (in a clean and consistent way) to provide maximum
> flexibility for higher level abstractions. If you feel like "Exposing
> ctors really invites the wrong kind of composability", then we should offer
> a more constructive way to achieve those goals. If we find can't, perhaps
> that means the api is hiding too much. This is what we're dealing with now
> with http. That other thread points to the fact that child_process has the
> same problem.

The problem with exposing internals is that they can never, ever
change if they're part of a stable API. Exposing internals is
therefore only viable if the Node API got split into stable and
unstable parts, where the high level API is stable and the low level
API is not (and let the kibitzing on what constitutes high level and
low level begin). But how useful is an API that changes at whim?

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