we already have res.statusCode=

I haven't had issues with .headers being an object, it's easy to check
in a method if the field value is an array or not.
On Feb 8, 6:59 pm, Dean Landolt <d...@deanlandolt.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Isaac Schlueter <i...@izs.me> wrote:
> > I think I agree with pretty much all of this, Mikeal.  Exposing ctors
> > really invites the wrong kind of composability, but we need to make
> > the core systems nicer in the ways you describe.  The response header
> > handling really needs to be cleaned up.  It mostly works, but has some
> > odd edges where it doesn't.
> > Constraints:
> > 1. We must maintain backwards compatibility unless it is completely
> > unreasonable to do so.  This can often be done by re-implementing old
> > API surfaces in terms of new ones, but please bear this in mind for
> > any change.
> > 2. API cleanup should generally not introduce new features, but merely
> > make existing features more intuitive, organized, and consistent.
> > 3. Performance regressions cannot be tolerated.  Express or request or
> > fstream can do a bunch of extra junk to make a cuter API, and give up
> > some performance in doing so, but node-core must be as fast as
> > possible.
> > Here's a half-thought-out proposal.  Please shoot it down in
> > constructive ways. :)
> > Expose the actual headers as they will be written.  This must be a 2d
> > array.  An object is not the right data structure, because there can
> > be multiple values for the same key, and though it shouldn't, order
> > does matter in some very rare edge cases.  Like module.exports, if
> > this value is overwritten, or manually modified, then that's the
> > "real" header.
> > response.headers = [ [key, value], ... ]
> If you're going this low level why bother with nested arrays? Why not [
> key, value, key, value ... ]? There's no difference and presumably you'll
> be using helpers to manipulate anyway.
> > Sugar around response.headers.push([key, value]), but giving us a
> > place to add intelligent defaults, validation, etc.  We should push
> > this api everywhere as the default:
> > response.setHeader("key", "value") // Set a header, adding a second
> > one if there's already one by that name.
> > response.setHeader("key", "value", true) // Overwrite any existing
> > header by that name.
> Why not separate setHeader and addHeader methods? This should make usage
> more obvious. Magic bools like this only serve to confuse.
> > Set the status as a property:
> > response.status = 200;  // should this just default to 200?
> LGTM. What about the status message text?
> > Backwards-compatible shim method:
> > response.writeHead = function (status, headers) {
> >  this.status = status;
> >  if (Array.isArray(headers)) {
> >    this.headers = headers;
> >  } else {
> >    Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (k) {
> >      this.setHeader(k, headers[k]);
> >    });
> >  }
> > };
> > Don't send the actual header on the socket until the first .write() or
> > .end().  At that time, response.headerSent = true, and any calls to
> > response.setHeader() trigger an error event.
> What about any direct manipulation of response.headers? Same thing?
> > On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 13:39, tjholowaychuk <tjholoway...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Yeah, unless you're one of us writing these higher-level things you
> > > probably wont even really be concerned about how node does things,
> > > since if you're just using straight-up node you're probably happy with
> > > writeHead() etc. It's awesome having a low-level core that is not
> > > overly opinionated about this sort of thing but at the same time we
> > > almost need that, otherwise the community just becomes a diverged
> > > mess.
> > > It's probably not worth talking about rack-like stuff since that'll
> > > never be in core, but I guess the key thing is that we shouldn't need
> > > something like that to build pluggable things. Say instead of manually
> > > checking accept-encoding all over you want:
> > > http.createServer(function(req, res){
> > >  acceptEncoding(req, res);
> > >  // go on with regular stuff here
> > > });
> > > IMHO we should at least supply something reasonable to make that
> > > happen. In Connect I'm using a "header" event, it's not as "clean" as
> > > something like rack but like I've said before I really dont want to
> > > diverge from what core gives us otherwise it renders that stuff
> > > useless to other people (like it does now) and splits the community
> > > more than it should
> > > On Feb 8, 1:35 pm, Mikeal Rogers <mikeal.rog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Yup, none of this is new.
> > >> I think that we need to reach a consensus that this is our goal. I know
> > that in core there is a tendency to hold internal state and refrain from
> > exposure. I think that some people believe it is "safer" or more "secure"
> > and you can see this show a little in the thread about exposing core
> > constructors.
> > >> A pre-requisite to me writing patches that solve this is a cultural
> > consensus that we are working towards a composable core, and while I know
> > TJ is all for it :) I don't think this goal is currently shared across the
> > core community and the practice to date seems to lead towards writing
> > things initially very restrictive initially and then people like TJ and
> > Marco fighting to expose them.
> > >> On Feb 8, 2012, at February 8, 20124:18 PM, tjholowaychuk wrote:
> > >> > +1 been saying this for years
> > >> > On Feb 8, 1:04 pm, Mikeal Rogers <mikeal.rog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> >> All the streams in core are in some half state between declarative
> > and composable.
> > >> >> http.ServerResponse is probably the biggest/worst example where:
> > >> >> http.writeHead(status, headers)
> > >> >> can, in some cases, entirely opt out of the composable headers set:
> > >> >> http.setHeader(name, value)
> > >> >> in particular, this happens when you pass an array of tuples as the
> > headers argument to writeHead.
> > >> >> Then there is http.ClientRequest, which is not composable at all and
> > has no setHeader() method.
> > >> >> I have a similar problem with every stream in core except sockets.
> > All of the streams in core take, at some point, a set of parameters that
> > set a bunch of internal state and *start* an IO operation. Until that IO
> > operation hits a particular event, in the future, none of that internal
> > state is actually used. Some of that state can be mutated (is composable),
> > some currently isn't (is not composable), and some of it is mutable if you
> > access internal properties (ewwww).
> > >> >> If the goal of core is to reach API stability we need to get core to
> > a place where it's extensible. There is a similar thread to this effect
> > about exposing core constructors, but I'd like to stay on track in this
> > thread and just talk about composability because it doesn't have many of
> > the same concerns people have about exposing core constructors.
> > >> >> *Most* of the objects in core are accessed by userland as the
> > subject of an event. When those objects are not composable we incredibly
> > limit the extensibility of core, even when we expose the constructors, and
> > it leads to the worst kind of monkey patching. There are even cases where
> > core objects that get exposed by libraries have certain methods entirely
> > removed because they break composability (I know TJ was considering
> > removing writeHead when exposed by Express).
> > >> >> A few things would need to happen to make core more composable.
> > >> >> 1) Internal state needs to become external state.
> > >> >> and
> > >> >> 2) The removal, or "re-integration", of methods that currently break
> > composability.
> > >> >> We may also need to add more events to some objects. Some good
> > examples, which have been added, are the 'open' and 'socket' methods on
> > fs.ReadStream/fs.WriteStream and http.ServerResponse.
> > >> >> Anywhere we can expose internal state publicly we increase
> > composability because we allow new mutations that depend on that state the
> > way internal logic depends on it. As we do this we'll also realize more
> > places where we break that mutability.
> > >> >> Thoughts?

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