It seems people are preferring JSLint / JSHint over node-lint. Is everyone using node to run JSLint on the command line ?

On 02/24/2012 03:53 AM, Lothar Pfeiler wrote:
I guess, we all agree that for proper QA, somebody else than oneself
should try to read the code and complain if he doesn't understand it.
And I guess, we all agree, that for scripting languages this is even
more relevant than for any compiler language.

If a smart editor tries to do that, or JSLint or JSHint or JSHintLint,
is up to your personal preferences.

These posts about JSLint made me aware of these services and I tried
them out. I pretty much could classify the responses I got. I didn't
change my coding style, and my feelings were never hurt. Currently, I
don't have a team, so, being a lone wolf, it's good to get another

On Feb 23, 10:16 pm, Thom Blake<>  wrote:
On Feb 23, 3:57 pm, Dean Landolt<>  wrote:

Besides, emacs would kindly have underlined that bit in red for me.
(and turned yellow any globals)
That's called a "linter" ;)
Funny, I would have just called it a properly-functioning code
editor.  Besides, the first one is a syntax error - aren't linters for
catching things less obvious than syntax errors?

I'm terribly confused when people say they let stuff like that into
production - "What, you weren't notified of the error as soon as you
typed it?"

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