On 24/06/2012, at 02:41, Mikeal Rogers wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2012, at June 23, 20125:30 PM, Jorge wrote:
>> On 24/06/2012, at 01:59, Mikeal Rogers wrote
>>> On Jun 23, 2012, at June 23, 20124:15 PM, Jorge wrote:
>>>> On 24/06/2012, at 00:43, Mikeal Rogers wrote:
>>> what is our goal here?
>>> this is all fascinating but rather than call out the warts in the language 
>>> and say people should avoid them we should be trying to make node not break 
>>> or behave in an unexpected way for people that don't know the language as 
>>> well as we do.
>>> node is not for javascript experts, it's for people that may be learning 
>>> javascript, and we should avoid unexpected behavior.
>>> do we want to spend our time teaching people the cracks and crevices of 
>>> JavaScript so they can use node or do we want to just make it work the way 
>>> they'll expect?
>> The .hasOwnProperty() in Object.prototype has always been a bad idea because 
>> any hasOwnProperty own property or any other hasOwnProperty property in the 
>> object's [[prototype]] chain will shadow it so in the end -as was the case 
>> of "with () {}"- you never know for sure *what* are you calling, nor even if 
>> what you're calling is a callable.
>> For example, nobody should ever write 
>> httpRequestHeaders.hasOwnProperty('Referer') because it's a bomb waiting to 
>> explode. That's -I believe- what Bert meant, and I agree.
> If your goal is to be right about JavaScript I'll be the first to say "you're 
> right" :)
> My point is that you can't teach this to everyone in the world writing 
> JavaScript and what we need to do is just make this not an issue in node's 
> core objects.

The point is that, as Bert said:

"People shouldn't rely on prototype methods of objects that are used as hash 
tables. Same story for the http headers object, parsed querystring arguments 

These objects should *not* have prototypes, *and* not having prototypes does 
*not* make them any less "real js objects" as *you* said.

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