Hi José

Transforming *every* construct of Javascript is exactly what streamline.js 
does. Here is a typical piece of code:

function mongoSearch(_, q) {
    var t0 = new Date();
    var db = new mongodb.Db('tutorial', new mongodb.Server("", 27017, 
    try {
        var coln = db.collection('movies', _);
        if (coln.count(_) === 0) coln.insert(MOVIES, _);
        var re = new RegExp(".*" + q + ".*");
        return coln.find({
            $or: [{
                title: re
            }, {
                director: re
        }, _).toArray(_).map(function(movie) {
            return movie.title + ': ' + movie.director;
        }).join('<br/>') + '<br/>completed in ' + (new Date() - t0) + ' ms';;
    } finally {

It contains 6 asynchrounous calls to the mongodb API: db.open, 
db.collection, coln.count, coln.insert, coln.find and toArray mixed with 
standard javascript constructs: if, return, chaining (a(_).b()), even 

There is a lot of talking with lots of opinions on this topic, but not 
enough facts. I think that a bench with a realistic application use case 
would bring clarity to the debate.

On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 3:13:20 AM UTC+2, José F. Romaniello wrote:
> I saw your slides and I cant agree more with you. The other day I did some 
> thinking about all the javascript code I have been writing and I came to 
> this conclussio (bear with me, please):
> - for me the problem with CPS (continuation passing style) for 
> asynchronous code is not the cascade of nested callback. The code gets ugly 
> when you mix CPS constructs with non-CPS constructs. Think when you have to 
> do something async while looping something, or when you have to do 
> something async IF some condition is true, and then something else even 
> when the condition is not met.
> - javascript has ifs, for, and lot of constructs that are non-CPS. In 
> Clojure and LISPs everything could be CPS, so in this regard we can say is 
> "better".
> -tamejs, iced coffee script, f# (with its async workflows) etc has 
> constructs to avoid CPS for asynchronous code and one of the best things of 
> this is that non-CPS IF statements play nice with ... non cps async code.
> I wrote an example in my blog about this 
> http://joseoncode.com/2012/06/24/messing-with-cps-in-js/ where i explore 
> a way to create a CPS IF statement and it makes the code easier than with 
> the standar IF statement. Another thing Id like to have is a language with 
> nice syntax for asynchronous code (as your await example) that compiles 
> down to LISPish javascript.
> El domingo, 1 de julio de 2012, Domenic Denicola escribió:
>> I'd like to submit my promises talk for consideration as well :). I agree 
>> with Mariusz that once you get it you will never go back.
>> http://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/callbacks-promises-and-coroutines-oh-my-the-evolution-of-asynchronicity-in-javascript
>> On Sunday, July 1, 2012 2:55:05 PM UTC-4, Mariusz Nowak wrote:
>> @Andy Async is just sugar for control flow written with plain callbacks 
>> and promises address asynchronicity from very different angle.
>> In promises approach asynchronous state is represented with the object, 
>> so instead of registering single callback, you get the object, which you 
>> can pass to many different functions, or on which you can listen for value 
>> with many different listeners. Promises also provide clean separation of 
>> success and error flows. It's much more powerful than plain callbacks, but 
>> also takes some time to get familiar with that. Once you get it, you will 
>> never go back ;-)
>> I've once done introduction to promises speech. See 
>> http://www.medikoo.com/**asynchronous-javascript/<http://www.medikoo.com/asynchronous-javascript/>
>>  (**promises starts at 16 slide) 
>> -- 
>> Mariusz Nowak
>> https://github.com/medikoo
>> http://twitter.com/medikoo
>> On Sunday, March 25, 2012 10:42:32 AM UTC+2, Andy wrote:
>> *Note, I am not asking which tool is better, I am simply trying to 
>> understand the differences.
>> *I'm trying to wrap my head around promises in node. Right now I'm 
>> writing all my code in callback soup. I am researching libraries and I 
>> found async <https://github.com/caolan/async> (duh) but I also found the 
>> horribly named but seemingly very popular q<https://github.com/kriskowal/q>
>> .
>> What I am trying to figure out is if these libraries are mutually 
>> exclusive. The async page mentions nothing about "promsies" and instead 
>> talks about "flow control." But it seems like both libraries are sugar for 
>> handling async function flow and callbacks. Do they both solve the same 
>> problem, or can / should they be used together?
>> Take this example:
>> async.waterfall([
>>     function(callback){
>>         callback(null, 'one', 'two');
>>     },
>>     function(arg1, arg2, callback){
>>         callback(null, 'three');
>>     },
>>     function(arg1, callback){
>>         // arg1 now equals 'three'
>>         callback(null, 'done');
>>     }
>> ], function (err, result) {
>>    // result now equals 'done'    
>> });
>> vs:
>> Q.call(step1).then(step2).then(step3).then(step4).then(function (value4) {
>>     // Do something with value4}, function (error) {
>>     // Handle any error from step1 through step4}).end();
>> Both libraries are doing things in a series, and both are passing their 
>> results to the next function. Is there really any difference between the 
>> two results other than Q returning a promise that you can chain to with 
>> .then? 
>> Is async really just a more versatile q? Or are there reasons to use one 
>> and the other and they could be used together?
>> And can you do parallel functions with promises? Or is that not what 
>> they're used for? (And if not, should you use async + q, or is there too 
>> much overlap?)
>>  -- 
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