That looks like a compile error. What does the stack trace look like? I 
doubt the error is coming from server.js

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 12:39:28 PM UTC-7, yishayw wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a site which uses a library with a static file named server.js. 
> Node.js seems to be treating this as a file which needs to be interpreted 
> on the server side rather than a static file. Hence, I get an error: 
> 'Uncaught 
> SyntaxError: Unexpected token < '
> Is there any way around this? 
> I created a small example of the problem with code snippets below.
> Thanks in advance,
> Yishay
> Here's my server code:
> ====
> /**
>  * Module dependencies.
>  */
>  var express = require('express')
>   , routes = require('./routes');
>  var app = module.exports = express.createServer();
>  // Configuration
> app.configure(function(){
>   app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
>   app.set('view engine', 'jade');
>   app.use(express.bodyParser());
>   app.use(express.methodOverride());
>   app.use(app.router);
>   app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));});
> app.configure('development', function(){
>   app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true }));});
> app.configure('production', function(){
>   app.use(express.errorHandler());});
>  // Routes
> app.get('/', routes.index);
> app.listen(process.env.port || 3000);
> console.log("Express server listening on port %d in %s mode", 
> app.address().port, app.settings.env);
> ====
> My index.html (under public/index.html)
> ======
> <!DOCTYPE html>
>  <html lang="en">
>     <head>
>         <meta charset="utf-8" />
>         <title></title>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>         <script src="Server.js"></script>
>         hello
>     </body></html>
> =======
> And Server.js which is under the same dir
> =======
> alert('serving');
> =======

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