forever has a -w --watch flags as well as --watchDir, havent use them yet. 
i use nodemon for development and forever 
or in production

Am Samstag, 12. Januar 2013 20:41:40 UTC+1 schrieb nin jin:
> Problems:
> 1) When some files changed, needs to restart for applying that.
> 2) When application downed, needs to start it again
> I found some external utils:
> a) nodemon
> Transparent node-replacer. This is really cool util for (1) but not for (2)
> b) supervisor
> Node-replacer, but do not transmit cmd arguments to node. This is 
> important for me because i need --harmony flag.
> c) forever
> Solving (2) problem, but not (1)
> d) some modules for hot-swapping, but without native api, it is dangerous.
> Of course, i can use nodemon+forever, but this is overkill. Daemon that 
> monitoring daemon that monitoring application.. 
> And i invent new one :)
> $.jin.persistent - node module that integrates in your application, and 
> keeps it up and up-to-date. Let us write something simple:
> ================================================
> require( 'jin' ).persistent( function( $ ){
>     // $ is autoloader but you are not required to use it
>     console.log( '2 * 2 = ' + 2 * 2 )
>     if( Math.random() < 0.3 ) throw new Error( 'Something wrong!' )
> } )
> ================================================
> In console you see something like that while you editing the source:
> ================================================
> >node --harmony .
> $.jin.persistent: Starting application...
> 2 * 2 =  4
> $.jin.persistent: Some files changed!
> $.jin.persistent: Starting application...
> 2 * 2 = 4
> $.jin.persistent: Some files changed!
> $.jin.persistent: Starting application...
> 2 * 2 = 4
> Error: Something Wrong!
>     at \index.js:5:37
>     at module.exports.$.jin.proxy.apply.proc 
> (\node_modules\jin\sync2async.js:19:18)
> $.jin.persistent: Application halted (1)
> $.jin.persistent: Some files changed!
> $.jin.persistent: Starting application...
> 2 * 2 = 4
> ================================================
> Note, application did not restart after this error, because it fails on 
> statup and strongly needs for changes for starting again. Autorestart 
> enables after 1s timeout.
> Let us write some server. Let it be service that gets domain list and 
> returns json with its ip's as integers.
> ================================================
> require( 'jin' ).persistent( function( $ ){
>     $.express()
>     .use( $.jin.sync2middle( function( req, res ){
>         var domains= req.url.replace( /^\/+|\/+$/g, '' ).split( '/' ).map( 
> decodeURIComponent )
>         var ips= function( domain ){
>             return $.dns.lookupSync( domain )
>         } )
>         var map= {}
>         domains.forEach( function( domain, index ){
>             try{
>                 numbers= String( ips[ index ] ).split( '.' ).map( Number )
>                 map[ domain ]= numbers[ 0 ] * 256 * 256 * 256
>                              + numbers[ 1 ] * 256 * 256
>                              + numbers[ 2 ] * 256
>                              + numbers[ 3 ]
>             } catch( error ){
>                 map[ domain ]= error
>             }
>         } )
>         return map
>     } ) )
>     .listen( 80 )
> } )
> ================================================
> This is implementation of map-reduce pattern. First,simultaneously send 
> requests to dns. Second, gets responses in right sequence, and handle all 
> errors occurring during that.
> I run that application by:
> npm install jin
> node --harmony dns-er.js
> While i write this source, server has automatic restarts. And sometimes 
> server downs with any error. But when i fix bugs it ups automatically.
> All i do after editing is refreshing this page: 
> http://localhost/
> and getting that in browser:
> ================================================
> {
>    - 1249765070,
>    - 
>    {
>       - code: "ENOTFOUND",
>       - errno: "ENOTFOUND",
>       - syscall: "getaddrinfo"
>       },
>    - 1680561923,
>    - президент.рф: 3285194843
> }
> ================================================
> $.jin.persistent uses fs-watch-tree and you can setup this watcher by 
> optional second argument that passes as is. By default watched all files 
> and directories that starts with english letter.
> See more about this config: 
> And more about jin library:

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