> Love science and love node.js?

Yes. In fact, I learned programming primarily for implementing/using
numerical methods when I was an engineering major. ;)

> I know of Brain which is awesome, anything else?

Was reading about http://www.numericjs.com/ which looks pretty sweet.
I've also been meaning to use
https://github.com/albertosantini/node-rio or similar to integrate
node with R.

> The forward Euler step is employed for simplicity and speed

Please please please use RK4 instead of foward Euler, it's way way
more accurate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RK4

> For all those "javascript-is-bad-at-computation" naysayers

I mean, you have to understand that for many problems in scientific
computing, the matrices are large enough that you really want to bust
out C and fortran libraries. That's not to say that v8 isn't fast or
that you can't do good science with javascript, it's to say that big
problems need big iron. Of course, when it comes to making native
modules in node, v8 is at a disadvantage to, say, python, when it
comes to the speed of the interface. I love javascript, but
unfortunately that's the reality of things.

Personally, my approach has typically been to use node for juggling
IO, and then delegating the "hard stuff" to basic services written in
"more appropriate" environments.



On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Postlethwaite <post.ben.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Love science and love node.js? What are some of your favourite tools and
> libraries for doing science with Javascript and Node? I know of Brain which
> is awesome, anything else?
> I am interested in putting together some hands-on tools for exploring math
> and science with node.js. To that end I have written a 100% javascript
> pde-engine equation solver which can be used for visualization and
> investigation. For all those "javascript-is-bad-at-computation" naysayers,
> guess what, with Typed Arrays it's FAST! I have put it to use on my website
> as an example (just click the wave or heat buttons and click the screen &
> ignore everything else. All your clicks - sources - are visible to anyone
> else who is on the website along with the time evolving solution, huzzah
> node!). There is also a nice colormaps library I have ported over from
> matlab to pretty up visualization and D3 etc.
> My first idea is to expose some of the parameters in pde-engine within each
> time step and link them to a few of Substack's slideways. Then users could
> explore how changing parameters on the wave equation change it in real-time,
> with multiple users watching and contributing. Monkey Social, Learn, Do!
> Any other ideas?
> --
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