Dear Mario:

I do not know whether this is the place to mention this, but it is
just to let the computational geomechanics community know, in the case
they do not know already, that Emeritus Professor Gywandeth Pande
(Gyan for his close) from Swansea University in the UK, passed away
the last January 21st. I am sure that many of you, special those
working in Geomechanics, will be aware of the numerous contributions
of Gyan. He will be missed by the whole computational mechanics

Yours Sincerely,

Antonio Orlando

Antonio Orlando, MSc (London, UK) DIC (Imperial College,UK) PhD (Swansea, UK)
CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología - Departamento de Bioingeniería
Oficina 1-2-21 (Block 1 piso 2 - Block del cajero Galicia)
Av Independencia 1800
San Miguel de Tucumán CP 4000, Tucumán, Argentina
Tel  +54 9 381 6723571
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