An obituary can be found at

2020-02-04 20:00 GMT-03:00, Antonio Orlando <>:
> Dear Mario:
> I do not know whether this is the place to mention this, but it is
> just to let the computational geomechanics community know, in the case
> they do not know already, that Emeritus Professor Gywandeth Pande
> (Gyan for his close) from Swansea University in the UK, passed away
> the last January 21st. I am sure that many of you, special those
> working in Geomechanics, will be aware of the numerous contributions
> of Gyan. He will be missed by the whole computational mechanics
> community.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Antonio Orlando
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Antonio Orlando, MSc (London, UK) DIC (Imperial College,UK) PhD (Swansea,
> UK)
> CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
> Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología - Departamento de Bioingeniería
> Oficina 1-2-21 (Block 1 piso 2 - Block del cajero Galicia)
> Av Independencia 1800
> San Miguel de Tucumán CP 4000, Tucumán, Argentina
> Tel  +54 9 381 6723571
> web page:
> Erdos number: 4

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