eiri commented on a change in pull request #496: Couchdb 3287 pluggable storage 
URL: https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/496#discussion_r117517242

 File path: src/couch/src/couch_server.erl
 @@ -559,6 +591,110 @@ db_closed(Server, Options) ->
         true -> Server
+get_configured_engines() ->
+    ConfigEntries = config:get("couchdb_engines"),
+    Engines = lists:flatmap(fun({Extension, ModuleStr}) ->
+        try
+            [{Extension, list_to_atom(ModuleStr)}]
+        catch _T:_R ->
+            []
+        end
+    end, ConfigEntries),
+    case Engines of
+        [] ->
+            [{"couch", couch_bt_engine}];
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
+get_engine(Server, DbName, Options) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    case couch_util:get_value(engine, Options) of
+        Ext when is_binary(Ext) ->
+            ExtStr = binary_to_list(Ext),
+            case couch_util:get_value(ExtStr, Engines) of
+                Engine when is_atom(Engine) ->
+                    Path = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, ExtStr),
+                    {Engine, Path};
+                _ ->
+                    get_engine(Server, DbName)
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            get_engine(Server, DbName)
+    end.
+get_engine(Server, DbName) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    Possible = get_possible_engines(DbName, RootDir, Engines),
+    case Possible of
+        [] ->
+            get_default_engine(Server, DbName);
+        [Engine] ->
+            Engine;
+        _ ->
+            erlang:error(engine_conflict)
+    end.
+get_possible_engines(DbName, RootDir, Engines) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun({Extension, Engine}, Acc) ->
+        Path = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension),
+        case couch_db_engine:exists(Engine, Path) of
+            true ->
+                [{Engine, Path} | Acc];
+            false ->
+                Acc
+        end
+    end, [], Engines).
+get_default_engine(Server, DbName) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    Default = {couch_bt_engine, make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, "couch")},
+    case config:get("couchdb", "default_engine") of
 Review comment:
   @davisp Tony right about "default_engine" been ignored, but the problem not 
here, but in 
 - if query "engine" is missing it defaults to "couch", so "default_engine" is 
essentially always ignored.
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