Hi Tomi,

I have had a quick try of setting up nottoomuch-addresses addresses.

Here are a couple of issues I have hit and I think it's still not quite

I attach the shell output from emacs below.

- firstly it appears that if the term is set to DUMB then the script
assumes it's being called from emacs and exits if there is no search
string.  This is problematic for me as I run all my stuff including the
--update command from a shell.  
- The instructions don't tell you to create the .config/nottoomuch
directory.  Perhaps you could check for it's existance and create if
- Even when I got this far I had an odd result when running the script
as shown below.  First time I got a strange error.  Second run it added
900 or so addresses.  Subsiquent runs added no more addresses.  I find
this strange as I have over 180k emails.

Anyway great work.  Heading in a cool direction.  Hope this somewhat
rambling report helps.


bart@bit:~$shasum ~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl 
bart@bit:~$chmod 755 ~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl 
bart@bit:~$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Cannot open database, maybe not created yet.
run /Users/bart/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl --update from command line first.
bart@bit:~$cd .config
bash: cd: .config: No such file or directory
bart@bit:~$mkdir .config
bart@bit:~$nottoomuch --update
bash: nottoomuch: command not found
bart@bit:~$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Cannot open database, maybe not created yet.
run /Users/bart/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl --update from command line first.
bart@bit:~$cd .config
bart@bit:~/.config$mkdir nottoomuch
bart@bit:~/.config$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Cannot open database, maybe not created yet.
run /Users/bart/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl --update from command line first.
bart@bit:~/.config$cd nottoomuch/
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$touch addresses
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$ls -s addresses 
0 addresses
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$echo $TERM
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$export TERM=emacs
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$ls -s addresses 
0 addresses
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Updating '/Users/bart/.config/nottoomuch/addresses', since -604800.
Unrecognized option: -604800..
Added 0 addresses in 0 seconds. Total number of addresses: 0.
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Updating '/Users/bart/.config/nottoomuch/addresses', since 1322159542.
Added 993 addresses in 4 seconds. Total number of addresses: 993.
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$~/bin/nottoomuch-addresses.pl  --update
Updating '/Users/bart/.config/nottoomuch/addresses', since 1322159560.
Added 0 addresses in 1 seconds. Total number of addresses: 993.
bart@bit:~/.config/nottoomuch$ On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:36:24 +0200, Tomi Ollila 
<tomi.oll...@iki.fi> wrote:
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