Hi Tomi,

Another observation.  Not sure if this is a bug or a design decision:
I have the address:
"Zac Hamed" <zha...@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx.au>
a serch like:
./nottoomuch-addresses.pl  zham

shows it up as expected.

However if I search on the name part like:
./nottoomuch-addresses.pl  zac

It doesn't find the match.

Is this expected behaviour?

Kind regards


 On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 13:51:16 +0200, Tomi Ollila <tomi.oll...@nixu.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks to Bart's findings those things are now fixed in
> version 1.1 of nottoomuch-addresses.pl 
> Get it:
> (wget) http://www.iki.fi/too/nottoomuch/nottoomuch-addresses.pl 
> Sha1 digest is now 4ed74ef9eaabb73804e55caa2c29682e643d2b78
> Installation instructions & some other info now available at:
> http://www.iki.fi/too/nottoomuch/nottoomuch-addresses/
> Tomi
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