Mark Walters <> writes:
> I would just like to second what Jani said. There was a lot of
> discussion

I do appreciate that.

> and, at the time, the outcome covered all use cases that
> anyone showed any sign of wanting.

The trick here is that it's easy to miss people who are happy with
current functionality. Adding functionality to address newly-identified
use cases makes a lot of sense. But removing functionality runs the risk
of only discovering that people were relying on it after the fact,
(Which seems to have happened here).

>> The idea of path: is that it's the exact filesystem directory, relative
>> from the maildir root, with an rsync like ** syntax for recursive
>> matching.

This definition of "path:" seems good. It covers a lot of cases that the
original "folder:" did not and allows precise, predictable control.

>> Turns out people want folder: to hide maildir implementation
>> details like cur and new.

Which is something that "folder:" always did.

>> These are not compatible, or you need to add a syntax that's not easy
>> or discoverable.

OK. So I won't argue that we don't need two different syntaxes here. But
I will continue to discuss a use case that was addressed before and is
no longer.

> I think many of us would agree, but there were users who wanted to
> distinguish new and cur, and in at least one case, the toplevel as
> well.

So now, "path:" allows for that, right?

My concern is not so much that "path:" was added to address new things,
but more than "folder:" was modified in a way that dropped useful
functionality, (beyond just fixing bugs in "folder:" such as the
accidental support of stemming).

> I think it is unfortunate that we need two variants, but I think they do
> do different things.

I'll accept that.

But, while I have heard a good definition of "path:", (see above), I
haven't heard a good one for "folder:" yet. Can you provide that?

> Also, I think any single user will find one matches their setup and
> use that one essentially exclusively:

The current discussion is evidence against that. We have a user of
folder: that can no longer get at the desired functionality, (that used
to exist).

> Indeed, it may be that a third option of roughly a maildir++: search term
> might solve David's use case.

Or just making "folder:" index each term of a filesytem path like it
used to do. And if that doesn't give sufficient control to some users,
then "path:" is available.

I've already lost what I would have preferred, (a single syntax for all
use cases---which was lost not to a design problem, but simply the
implementation difficulty of requiring a custom query parser). I really
would not like to see things continue down to have a *third* syntax.



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