On Wed, 6 Jul 2011 09:25:41 -0400, Austin Clements <amdragon at mit.edu> wrote:
> Had I replaced it, though, there are two variations I would have
> tried.? Have you guys considered these and, if so, any thoughts?
> * Make SPC mark the *current* message read and move to the next one,
> rather than moving to the next and marking it read.? This way, you're
> acknowledging the message as read once you've actually read it, rather
> than having notmuch mark it read before you've actually read it.

I agree. I think it's up to the user to define whether he read the
message. In fact as a consequence, I have no use of the 'unread' tag.

> * At the end of the thread, return to the index view.? This way, if
> you want to archive the thread, you can still just press 'a', but if
> you don't, you're already set to navigate to another thread.

I would prefer just to do nothing (or bell) at the end of the
thread. Sometimes the end of a message is just at the end of the screen,
and I want to hit space to see the next message, so I think that
returning to the index would surprise me (as going to the next thread

But this could be a third option if some people prefer that. So we would
- do nothing
- archive go to the next thread
- return to the index


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