Implement mime attachment viewing in the vim plugin via
notmuch show --format=text parsing for attachment segments.
Extract the part ID, filename, and content-type.

Storing this in a dictionary for use later when implementing
attachment saving.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Harper <rharper at>
 vim/plugin/notmuch.vim |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
index 21985c7..cbc5b51 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
@@ -556,7 +556,55 @@ function! s:NM_show_reply()

 function! s:NM_show_view_all_mime_parts()
-        echo 'not implemented'
+        let info = b:nm_raw_info
+        let words = b:nm_search_words
+        let cmd = ['show', '--format=text']
+        let mid = <SID>NM_show_message_id()
+        call add(cmd, <SID>NM_show_message_id())
+        call add(cmd, 'AND')
+        call extend(cmd, <SID>NM_get_search_words())
+        let data = <SID>NM_run(cmd)
+        let lines = split(data, "\n")
+        let attachments = []
+        let bufflines = []
+        for line in lines
+                if match(line, g:notmuch_show_attachment_begin_regexp) != -1
+                        let m = matchlist(line, 'ID: \(\d\+\), Filename: 
\(.*\), Content-type: \(\S\+\)')
+                        if len(m)
+                                " create a attachment dict (id, filename, 
type, str)
+                                " id - message id
+                                " filename - filename from MIME attachment
+                                " type - Content-type 
+                                " str - displayable string for the buffer
+                                let att = {}
+                                let att['id'] = m[1]
+                                let att['filename']=m[2]
+                                let att['type']=m[3]
+                                let att['mid']=mid
+                                let id = att['id']
+                                let fn = att['filename']
+                                let ty = att['type']
+                                let att['str']=printf('%d %-60s[%s]', id, fn, 
+                                call add(attachments, att)
+                                call add(bufflines, att['str'])
+                        endif
+                endif
+        endfor
+        if len(attachments) == 0
+                echo 'No attachments'
+        endif
+        let prev_bufnr = bufnr('%')
+        setlocal bufhidden=hide
+        call <SID>NM_newBuffer('', 'show', bufflines)
+        setlocal bufhidden=delete
+        let b:attachments = attachments
+        let b:nm_prev_bufnr = prev_bufnr
+        let b:nm_raw_info = info
+        let b:nm_search_words = words
+        call <SID>NM_set_map('n', g:notmuch_show_maps)

 function! s:NM_show_view_raw_message()

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