Using the dictionary of attachments in a message we can implement
saving the attachment.  Select the current attachment under the cursor
request a new name, but default to the extracted name.

Currently saves to the current working directory.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Harper <rharper at>
 vim/plugin/notmuch.vim |   50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
index cbc5b51..efa6fca 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ let g:notmuch_show_maps = {
         \ 'd':          ':call <SID>NM_show_delete_message()<CR>',
         \ 'N':          ':call 
         \ 'v':          ':call <SID>NM_show_view_all_mime_parts()<CR>',
+        \ 'S':          ':call <SID>NM_show_save_mime_parts()<CR>',
         \ '+':          ':call <SID>NM_show_add_tag()<CR>',
         \ '-':          ':call <SID>NM_show_remove_tag()<CR>',
         \ '<Space>':    ':call 
@@ -607,6 +608,55 @@ function! s:NM_show_view_all_mime_parts()
         call <SID>NM_set_map('n', g:notmuch_show_maps)

+function! s:NM_show_save_mime_part()
+        let attachments = b:attachments
+        let info = b:nm_raw_info
+        let words = b:nm_search_words
+        let lnum = line('.')
+        let curline = getline(lnum)
+        let curatt = {}
+        " need to extract the id from the current line to
+        " use to find which attachment from the list we're
+        " attempting to save
+        let m = matchlist(curline, '\(\d\+\)')
+        if len(m)
+                let id = m[1]
+                for a in attachments
+                        if a['id'] == id
+                                let curatt = a
+                                break
+                        endif
+                endfor
+        endif
+        let fn = curatt['filename']
+        let prompt = printf('Save: %s', fn)
+        let outfile = input(prompt)
+        if strlen(outfile)
+                echo outfile
+        else
+                let outfile = fn
+        endif
+        "build save command:
+        " notmuch show --part=<part num> <msg_id> AND <search terms> 
>$filename < /dev/null
+        let cmd = ["show"]
+        call add(cmd, printf("--part=%s", curatt['id']))
+        call add(cmd, curatt['mid'])
+        call add(cmd, 'AND')
+        call extend(cmd, <SID>NM_get_search_words())
+        call add(cmd, printf('>%s', outfile))
+        "invoke notmuch via shell
+        let nmcmd = g:notmuch_cmd . ' ' . join(cmd) . '< /dev/null'
+        let out = system(nmcmd)
+        let err = v:shell_error
+        " TODO: error handling
 function! s:NM_show_view_raw_message()
         echo 'not implemented'

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