On Wed, 09 Oct 2013, Austin Clements <amdragon at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> Quoth Jani Nikula on Oct 09 at  9:41 am:
>> Also one talloc less. Which brings me to the main worry:
>> performance. What's the impact?
> Seems to be about 1%-3% for CLI search (tested on the medium corpus).
> It's hard to measure what the effect on Emacs search is, though I
> would expect it to be similarly negligible.

I can live with that. :)

> Some work I did several attempts at this ago suggests that this slows
> down tagging (though I doubt it would be noticeable for single
> threads), but I also found that switching to docid-based queries
> significantly sped things up:
> id:CAH-f9WsPj=1Eu=g3sOePJgCTBFs6HrLdLq18xMEnJ8aZ00yCEg at mail.gmail.com
> Actually, docid queries probably make tagging faster than it is *now*,
> but I didn't measure that when I did the experiments.

Looks like there's a few hurdles in adding that concept
nicely. Something for the future.


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