Dear All,

i'm using org. And I'm using notmuch (that's why I address both mailing
lists). Now, writing an email in everyday bussiness requires a
non-significant time of your workhours. So I'd like to have this event
in my org agenda. So any time I send some email with a given subject,
I'd like to 'automatically' entry the information about it into
e.g. in form of a diary entry, with appropriate tag.

In example:

I'm sending a mail to Tom, with subject 'dealing vme register

At the moment I send this email (using smtpmail), I'd like an entry in
the as follows:

** 2014-10 October
*** 2014-10-02 Thursday
**** dealing vme register mapping                                               
[[notmuch:id:7a97bb93e66a41878edd4c04fa764963 at][dealing
vme register mapping]]

I thought that I can use following

(add-hook 'message-send-hook '<mysuperfunction>)

to hook on sending and generate a capture entry. In fact this works
pretty well _EXCEPT_ the link to the mail sent. The org-store-link
cannot apparently store a link to an email, which so far was not sent
(and not received?) because it claims that

'org-gnus-store-link: Can not create link: No Gcc header found'

Hence this is pretty fatal for my diary entry. My question is: is there
any way how to link not-yet-sent/received email as an org-link? Or is
there any way to generate Gcc header before the email is sent and use
this header during sending? Or is
there any other way how to put into my agenda sent emails?

many thanks


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