dear all,

thanks for fruitful hints. Based on what you've done I have setup it as

1) the capture template, which uses clipboard buffer to setup the
   data. So my org-capture-templates contains this entry:

   ("@" "Email outgoing sync. USED INTERNALLY" entry (file+datetree (concat 
my-org-files ""))
   "* EMAIL %c :EMAIL:\n%?\nEntered on %T\n")

2) function which generates the notmuch link based on the message id:

  (defun org-notmuch-track-outgoing-emails()
            (let ((link (mail-fetch-field "Message-ID"))
                  (subject (mail-fetch-field "Subject"))
                  (to (mail-fetch-field "To"))
                  (date (mail-fetch-field "Date"))
                  (msg-id (mail-fetch-field "Message-ID"))
                  ;; `mail-fetch-field'. Construct date-ts and date-ts-ia with
                  ;;(date-ts (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t [t]) 
(date-to-time (mail-fetch-field "Date"))))
                  (if link
                      ;; messageid exists, we can link it
                      (kill-new (concat "[[notmuch:id:" msg-id "][" subject 
            ;; use special template to fill in
                  (org-capture nil "@")

3) hook to run the function when headers are created:

(add-hook 'message-header-hook 'org-notmuch-track-outgoing-emails)

The three what they do is that whenever I send an email, a new diary
style entry is setup in the editting buffer, where the timestamp, email
link and an EMAIL tag are already pre-filled. So unless I want to add
another tags, sending email is by default a -two times- C-c C-c combo. 

Bettern than nothing, but still far from being perfect due to two

- 'standard' behaviour is, that the email sent becomes read-only so with
  'q' keystroke I can bury the buffer with the email. However when I
  have implemented this, I have noticed that when I 'confirm' the
  template, I go back into the buffer 'sent mail to...', but this the
  *THE BUFFER IS NOT READ ONLY* and 'q' will just generate a character,
  and then I have to kill this buffer using C-x k with additional 'yes'
  because the buffer was modified. Quite annoying and I don't know how
  to resolve this

- second thing is, that I'd like to avoid at all opening the capture
  template and just dump it into the file without any modifications
  ongoing. The only 'modification' which comes into my mind is a setup
  of an additional tag describing the email being attached to some

Any help on those two is highly appreciated :)


Eric Abrahamsen <eric at> writes:

> David Edmondson <dme at> writes:
>> On Fri, Oct 24 2014, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>>> David Belohrad <david at> writes:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> i'm using org. And I'm using notmuch (that's why I address both mailing
>>>> lists). Now, writing an email in everyday bussiness requires a
>>>> non-significant time of your workhours. So I'd like to have this event
>>>> in my org agenda. So any time I send some email with a given subject,
>>>> I'd like to 'automatically' entry the information about it into
>>>> e.g. in form of a diary entry, with appropriate tag.
>>> I do something like this in Gnorb, which I'd recommend you use except
>>> it's mostly Gnus specific.
>>> I do it in two parts, but you could do it in one. Basically I add a
>>> function to the `message-header-hook' (which ensures that all the
>>> message headers have been generated properly).
>> Does `message-generate-headers-first' not do what you want for this
>> specific part?
> Yeah, I think I looked at that previously. But this thing is going in a
> hook anyway, might as well use the hook that *doesn't* require me to
> call that function explicitly.
>>> Obviously the downside is that, without a "Gcc:" header, org can't
>>> actually make a real link to the message. It doesn't know where it's
>>> going to be. However if you know that all your sent messages can be
>>> reached with a link that looks like "notmuch:id#Message-id", then you
>>> can make that yourself in your org capture template with something like
>> As you suggest, know the message-id should be good enough to generate a
>> notmuch link, though you may have to wait for the notmuch index to be
>> updated for the link to be valid.
> Yup, I've got the same issue with nnimap -- you have to wait for the
> next sync to get access to the message. So far it hasn't been a problem,
> though.
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