Hi Iain,

Would you might looking at the control traffic dump to let us know if
you keeping receiving more packet-in after inserting the flow rule?

Also, is there any reason not to set the vlan_pcp?


On 12 July 2010 07:20,  <i...@cs.nott.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I don't think I made it clear in the previous post. The code in the previous
> post only gets called when the flow is identified as HTTP. Then I am trying
> to block that particular flow. I know it would make more sense to write
> general rule and send the command from the install method. I am just doing
> this initially to see if I can get any packets dropped.
> Thanks Again
> Iain
> On Jul 12 2010, i...@cs.nott.ac.uk wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am running NOX and openflow on the same machine. I am coding the NOX
>> controller in C++. I am trying to write code to selectively drop packets.
>> For a quick test I tried to write code that would drop HTTP (i.e. tcp dst
>> port 80) packets.
>> The code correctly identifies the HTTP packet and it calls the
>> send_openflow_command with no action. However the packets are not getting
>> dropped. Below is initialisation of the openflow mod structure. Which is
>> sent in the command.
>>        // setup the header
>>        ofm.header.version = OFP_VERSION;
>>        ofm.header.type = OFPT_FLOW_MOD;
>>        ofm.header.length = htons(sizeof ofm);  // no extended action data
>>        // match the flow - therefore no wild-cards!
>>        ofm.match.wildcards = htonl(0);
>>        ofm.match.in_port = htons(flow.in_port);
>>        ofm.match.dl_vlan = flow.dl_vlan;
>>        memcpy(ofm.match.dl_src,flow.dl_src.octet,sizeof ofm.match.dl_src);
>>        memcpy(ofm.match.dl_dst,flow.dl_dst.octet,sizeof ofm.match.dl_dst);
>>        ofm.match.dl_type = flow.dl_type;
>>        ofm.match.nw_src = flow.nw_src;
>>        ofm.match.nw_dst = flow.nw_dst;
>>        ofm.match.nw_proto = flow.nw_proto;
>>        ofm.match.tp_src = flow.tp_src;
>>        ofm.match.tp_dst = flow.tp_dst;
>>         // add an entry - initalise entry housekeeping variables (see page
>> 28 of OF spec)
>>        ofm.command = htons(OFPFC_ADD);
>>        ofm.buffer_id = htonl(packetid);
>>        ofm.idle_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
>>        ofm.hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
>>        ofm.priority = htons(OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
>>        ofm.flags = OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP;
>> When I run dpctl dump-flows on the switch I get
>>  cookie=14431522174269325312, duration_sec=15s, duration_nsec=832000000s,
>> table_id=0, priority=65535, n_packets=3, n_bytes=222,
>> idle_timeout=0,hard_timeout=0,tcp,in_port=1,dl_vlan=0xffff,dl_vlan_pcp=0x00,dl_src=00:07:e9:ae:04:c7,dl_dst=00:13:d3:c0:46:f2,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0x00,tp_src=58891,tp_dst=80,actions=
>> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
>> thanks in advance
>> Iain
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