Thanks all for the package.

I affirm that the package is for zaku and destiny.

As for NOX 0.4, there is OpenFlow 1.0 wire-compatible version created
via Srini's patches.  Unfortunately, I do not know if we will support
that moving forward, though I doubt it.

Hope that clears up some doubts.


On 10 November 2010 12:32, Josh Smift <> wrote:
> NR == Niky Riga <>
> NR> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 14:27:49 -0500
> NR>
> NR> I ran into this issue a while back, and the problem was probably that
> NR> the machine was running out of memory
> NR> while trying to do the parallel build. Limiting the number of jobs that
> NR> run simultaneously (e.g. make -j 5) fixed
> NR> the problem.
> That worked fine for me; I've updated the wiki with that info.
> I was also able to use 'make install' to create an installation rooted in
> /usr, which seems to run fine (as long as you 'cd /usr/bin' first). I
> haven't changed the "Note that nox_core must be run from the build/src
> directory, and that the build directory must not be moved to a different
> place in the file system." comment in the wiki, in case there are
> circumstances where that's still true; if anyone knows more about what the
> actual situation is, it might be worth updating.
>                                      -Josh (
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