
I'm trying to send arp replies from my nox controller though for some
reason my packets don't seem to be getting sent out and I was hoping
someone could point out where I'm going wrong. This is the code I

     if packet.type == ethernet.ARP_TYPE:
            arppacket = arp.arp(packet.next.arr, packet.next.prev)
            if arppacket.opcode == arppacket.REQUEST:
                tmp_dst = arppacket.protodst
                arppacket.protodst =  arppacket.protosrc
                arppacket.protosrc =  tmp_dst
                arppacket.hwdst = arppacket.hwsrc
                arppacket.hwsrc = mac_to_int('\xd2\x85\xde\x8e\xf6\x13')
                arppacket.opcode = arppacket.REPLY
                packet.next = arppacket;
                self.send_openflow(dpid, None, packet.arr,
openflow.OFPP_FLOOD, inport);
                print "ARP REPLY SEND!!"
                return CONTINUE

When I run tcpdump on the node that is sending the requests I does not
see any of these packets.

I'm trying to look at my openflow traffic with wireshark but for some
reason I'm not seeing any. Though at my controller I'm definitely
getting the packets. (I think this may because I'm using mininet? I've
tried all the interfaces on my machine in wireshark). Though when I
try this using the Openflow Tutorial provided VM i'm also not seeing
any 'of' packets in wireshark there? (Any idea why)?



Aaron O. Rosen
Masters Student - Network Communication
306B Fluor Daniel

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