Thank you for your kindness.

I am using Openflow Switch(v.1.0) based on PC box. and I am using NOX zaku.

1.You can look at the 'monitoring' component in the netapps folder

-> do you mean and  in /netapps ?

additionally,  I test using "./nox_core -i ptcp:6633 -v pyswitch packetdump switchstats pycswitchstats "

and then I can see this message.

00076|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320c576d6

00077|reactor|ERR:Unhandled Error

Traceback (most recent call last):

--- <exception caught here> ---

 File "./nox/coreapps/pyrt/", line 86, in __call__

   self.func(*self.args, **;

 File "./nox/netapps/switchstats/", line 123, in <lambda>

   lambda : self.port_timer(dp))

 File "./nox/netapps/switchstats/", line 88, in port_timer


 File "./nox/coreapps/pyrt/", line 538, in send_port_stats_request

   def send_port_stats_request(self, *args): return _pycomponent.PyContext_send_port_stats_request(self, *args)

exceptions.TypeError: PyContext_send_port_stats_request() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

00078|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320c576d6

2. (or, if you prefer, you can modify pyswitch to send such queries) 

-> you mean pyswitch can gather status of flow, port  in switch, right ?

and I think I should use  ofp_stats_request, ofp_stats_reply, ofp_desc_stats, ofp_port_stats_request, ofp_ports_stats etc of struct in openflow.h and

But,  It is difficult to use . so I need your help.

can you give some tips ?

Many Thanks,

--------- ¿øº» ¸ÞÀÏ ---------
º¸³½»ç¶÷: Kyriakos Zarifis <>
¹Þ´Â»ç¶÷ : Min-Hyup KANG <>
ÂüÁ¶ :
³¯Â¥: 2011³â 6¿ù 19ÀÏ ÀÏ¿äÀÏ, 18½Ã 10ºÐ 32ÃÊ +0900
Á¦¸ñ: Re: [nox-dev] gathering status of Openflow Switch

no, pyswitch does not show information about establish flows. You need to write a component that does that by sending query packets from NOX to the switch. (or, if you prefer, you can modify pyswitch to send such queries) You can look at the 'monitoring' component in the netapps folder, which gather statistics from switches, as an example for how to construct and send such query packets. From what I can tell, you are mostly interested in the "flow_stats" message

2011/6/18 Min-Hyup KANG <>

Hi. all

I would like to gather through a little status information of flow in Openflow Switch(v.10)

I think I should use Openflow protocol that can gather their some status of flow between OpenflowSwitch and NOX controller.

so Is it possible with ?

or Should I write a new C++ component ?


Best Regards,
Min-Hyup KANG

nox-dev mailing list

Best Regards,
Min-Hyup KANG

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