Thanks for your kindness.

But there is not exsisting of netapps/

so there is existing some derectory in netapps as a below.


src/nox/netapps# ls    bindings_storage  discovery     hoststate  networkstate  routing  switch_management  tablog  topology  authenticator  data              flow_fetcher  lavi       route         storage  switchstats        tests   user_event_log


additionally, I re-write some code(0xfffffff) in refering mail. as a below,


def aggregate_timer(self, dpid): 

        flow = ofp_match()

        #flow.wildcards = 0xffff

        flow.wildcards = 0xffffffff

        self.ctxt.send_aggregate_stats_request(dpid, flow,  0xff)

        self.post_callback(MONITOR_TABLE_PERIOD, lambda : self.aggregate_timer(dpid))


1.What does 0xfffffff mean ?
and then, I re-run command.

So, I can check below message.
00086|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320c2f7b4
Aggregate stats in from datapath 00:23:20:c2:f7:b4
{'packet_cout' : 39L, 'byte_cout' : 3822L, 'flow_count':2L }

--------- 원본 메일 ---------
보낸사람: Kyriakos Zarifis <>
받는사람 : Min-Hyup KANG <>
참조 :
날짜: 2011년 6월 20일 월요일, 15시 34분 01초 +0900
제목: Re: [nox-dev] gathering status of Openflow Switch

I was actually referring to netapps/monitoring/, which is a more complete (and complicated) monitoring component, but it is the same idea. However the one you looked at might actually be a better example exactly because it is simpler, but still shows how to create and send switch query packets.
The output you pasted looks okay

2011/6/19 Min-Hyup KANG <>


after I found,

There is existing /src/nox/coreapps/examples/

I think what you mean is /src/nox/coreapps/examples/ right ?

so, I excuted monitor component.

I can check Table stats and Port stats, Aggregate stats as a below.

00072|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320ca92e0

Table stats in from datapath 00:23:20:ca:92:e0

hash2 : 0

linear : 2

00073|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320ca92e0

Port stats in from datapath 00:23:20:ca:92:e0

1 : 4

2 : 4

00074|openflow-event|DBG:received stats reply from 002320ca92e0

Aggregate stats in from datapath 00:23:20:ca:92:e0

{'packet_count': 0L, 'byte_count': 0L, 'flow_count': 0L}

--------- 원본 메일 ---------
보낸사람: Kyriakos Zarifis <>
받는사람 : Min-Hyup KANG <>
참조 :
날짜: 2011년 6월 20일 월요일, 00시 35분 26초 +0900

제목: Re: [nox-dev] gathering status of Openflow Switch

the 'monitoring' component I was referring to, is under: 
 / src / nox / netapps / monitoring /

but on the Destiny branch of the repository (not Zaku which is the master branch).
Follow the instructions here (where it says "For a branch other than master"...)
to switch to Destiny. 

-> you mean pyswitch can gather status of flow, port  in switch, right ?

and I think I should use  ofp_stats_request, ofp_stats_reply, ofp_desc_stats, ofp_port_stats_request, ofp_ports_stats etc of struct in openflow.h and

Exactly. You can see some example of how to build some messages in '' 

Best Regards,
Min-Hyup KANG

Best Regards,
Min-Hyup KANG

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