If you check your configure log, I think you'll see that Python is disabled 
(most likely because Twisted isn't installed).  If you fix this, you'll 
probably find routing will work.

-- Murphy

On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:14 AM, Volkan YAZICI wrote:

> Hi,
> I built and run nox according to the instructions given in the wiki
> page[1]. But I couldn't get routing module running. nox_core complains
> that it is not installed. That is,
> /usr/local/src/nox/build/src# ./nox_core -v -i ptcp:6633 routing
> 00001|nox|INFO:Starting nox_core
> (/usr/local/src/nox/build/src/.libs/lt-nox_core)
> 00002|nox|DBG:Application installation report:
> 00003|nox|DBG:built-in event dispatcher:
>        Current state: INSTALLED
>        Required state: INSTALLED
>        Dependencies:
> 00004|nox|DBG:topology:
>        Current state: NOT_INSTALLED
>        Required state: INSTALLED
>        Dependencies: 'discovery' not found
> 00005|nox|DBG:built-in DSO deployer:
>        Current state: INSTALLED
>        Required state: INSTALLED
>        Dependencies:
> 00006|nox|DBG:routing_module:
>        Current state: NOT_INSTALLED
>        Required state: INSTALLED
>        Dependencies: 'topology' not installed, 'nat_enforcer' not found
> 00007|nox|DBG:routing:
>        Current state: NOT_INSTALLED
>        Required state: INSTALLED
>        Dependencies: 'routing_module' not installed, 'authenticator' not found
> 00008|nox|ERR:Application 'discovery' description not found.
> How can I install missing modules?
> Best.
> [1] http://noxrepo.org/noxwiki/index.php/NOX_Installation
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