1) I'd go with "CYBERSitter AntiSpam", the NicerMail just sounds like it
belongs on a desktop, not a server.  The CYBERSitter AntiSpam captures both
the spam and adult blocking features.

2) (Sending off list).

-Bill Naber

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Milburn
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:11 PM
Subject: [NoXMail] Opinions Please

Hi everyone,

Actually I have 2 things...

Item 1. It looks like the name "No-X-Mail" is out which is no surprise to
I write software ok, but marketing is not my best thing. We received some
research materials back and that name has a definite problem in that
"CYBERsitter" already has recognition for adult oriented material, and the
"No-X-Mail" makes it appear that the product is strictly for adult messages,
not necessarily spam in general.

So it's down to "CYBERsitter AntiSpam" or "CYBERsitter NicerMail". We
own the nicermail.* domains. That's a plus. If you do a google search on
CYBERsitter AntiSpam you still get hits from a product we published in 1998.
That's a negative. The research indicated that the NicerMail name imparts a
more "friendly" implication. We have used "For a Family Friendly Internet"
a service mark for many years. It's on all our t-shirts and everything ;-)
Also, the nicermail.com will also be used for filtered subscription email
services we will be offering to our regular CYBERsitter customers. My
is that NicerMail maybe does not imply something as "industrial strength" as
mail admins may want.

So... opinions anyone?

Item 2. I will be posting a release candidate version next week. The
NoxAnalyxe.exe program is now NoxAdmin.exe (of course the names may now
change). It is really cool now. There are no more popup menus, everything is
all hyperlinked, color coded, and you can use the whole thing with just a
mouse unless you want to edit a file. You can view or edit any file, deliver
held messages, and do pretty much anything from any computer anywhere. If
anyone wants to use it before next week, let me know.

The licensing mechanisms have changed and now require a license code and a
separate key code. So before you can install the upcoming version I will
to issue you new codes. The key code is keyed on your server IP address. So
you will send me (off-list if you like) your server IP address I will send
each your own codes. If your server has more than one IP address, just send
one of them, it doesn't matter which one, as long as it is valid for IMail.

Thanks and have a good weekend.


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