Hi Bill,
On 02/10/03 6:27pm you wrote...
>Thanks, Brian, for the excellent product support you have provided
>throughout this beta cycle, I think you have done a great job!

Thanks, actually I have enjoyed this more than most beta tests! Usually we are
working with real computer novices.

>Pricing question before you drop this list.  I was looking at the pricing on
>the SpamManager site and was wondering if you would be providing a lite
>version for people who use SM as just another test within Declude?  Or is
>this what you are referring to when you talk about beta testing the "SMTP

Declude versions have been a real difficult thing to figure out. I have the
capability of producing a version with a lot of management capabilities
disabled. The problem for us is how to sell it. If we offer it on our web
site, we will create a lot of confusion. We already have 2 other versions for
small shareware mail servers and we can't sell those either. We used these to
work out the procedures for porting to other server platforms, and shareware
guys are usually more than happy to work with us.

I'll need to ask Scott about this, but what we might be able to do is see if
we can work a deal with Scott to be the exclusive reseller of the Declude
version. That way we can offer something with unlimited use, at a reasonable
price and not have to justify this to other customers who may use IMail alone
or some other mail server.

>I would be interested in beta testing both the Windows and Linux versions of
>the "SMTP relay/gateway" when they are available.

Sure, actually the gateway version is full MTA. It can be used as a store and
forward or a relay server. I am going to make it work with Declude Virus (at
least the Windows version) so we can offer a gateway filter for incoming email
for all kinds of platforms. I'll let you know when we start testing. Probably
in a month or less. I am going to take a few days off here in March, so maybe
right after that. We go to Yosemite every year in early March. 


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