On 12/01/2012, at 6:55 AM, François Thillen wrote:

> Dear NPanday Team
> I write you because of three problem, which I receive while using NPanday.
> 1)      I have 3 projects and one of them is a testlibrary, the build runs
> without problem, but when it comes to test with Nunit, an error occurs. This
> error occurs becaue no corresponding nunit library could be found. Is there
> a way, to solve this? The exactly error is: 
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.npanday.plugins:maven-test-plugin:1.4.0-incubating:test
> (default-test) on project ToolsTest: NPANDAY-1100-003: Could not find any
> nunit libraries. -> [Help 1]

Hi, I just answered a similar question from another user. You should add this 
to your project:


> When I open Nunit and browse to the ToolsTest.dll then the test run and it
> works perfectly.
> 2)      I created a Form with a button, which is covered with an image. This
> image is stored in the Resources folder. The problem is, that the Resources
> folder isn’t added and so it is not possible to build it. Is there a way, to
> integrate it or include other file with a different format then cs?

Resources are sometimes problematic. Are you using the visual studio addin to 
generate a POM, or constructing it by hand?

Can you post the POM and rough structure you have?

> 3)      Is it possible to let NPanday generate the AssemblyInfo.cs?

Yes, this is done by default if none exists - however it has some limitations 
as others have posted to the list recently.


Brett Porter

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