'zip' should work - it will result in the following path:


Is that the file you have? If so, what is the error you get?

- Brett

On 10/04/2012, at 8:32 PM, Ronan Carty wrote:

> Hi,
> I am attempting to use NPanday to copy a zip file from a maven repository.
> My POM file entry is as follows;
> <dependencies>
>    <dependency>
>      <groupId>release.product.productname</groupId>
>      <artifactId>productmanager</artifactId>
>      <version>1.0</version>
>  <type>*??????*</type>
>    </dependency>
>  </dependencies>
> If I was using a dll file, I have found that I can use dotnet-library as
> the type and it works fine, but in this case, I have a zip file that I
> would like to use.
> Is this possible, what value should I use for type? I have tried
> <type>zip</type>
> <type>dotnet-zip</type>
> but neither have worked for me.
> thanks,
> ronan

Brett Porter

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