Well, my main pain point, as I had before years ago, is that the
documentation is way too complex, there is just too much to read, to
many steps too follow, and the steps are all over the place.

I would be happy to help with the documentation, if I actually
understood what was necessary in getting started.

The other aspect of the documentation is that there is too much of it
because not enough of the setup is automated. If more of the setup was
automated, then there would be less to document. For example, the
removing old versions narrative should be unnecessary.

Cheers, Eric

On 2/27/2014 4:34 AM, Brett Porter wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> We're about to start pushing for a new release, and definitely need to update 
> the site with more up to date instructions. You can follow that on the dev 
> list.
> What particular things are you bumping into, or what use case are you looking 
> for specifically? Happy to help out here and take that feedback into the 
> documentation.
> Cheers,
> Brett
> On 27 Feb 2014, at 4:46 am, Eric Kolotyluk <eric.koloty...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried using NPanday a few years ago, but gave up because there were
>> just too many problems for it to actually be useful.
>> I am trying to give NPanday another chance, but I am once again just
>> running into nothing but problems. The instructions for getting started
>> are broken.
>> Is this project still active? Is there anyone maintaining it? Does
>> anyone have a set of getting started instructions that actually makes
>> sense, and has been tested?
>> Sincerely, Eric

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