Yes I have mixed the versions 1.4 and 1.5, but then I found why it skipped
the type dll dependencies.
Finally I used only the version 1.5 for both plugins with a little hack:


2014-12-08 11:00 GMT+02:00 Lars Corneliussen // Zen <m...@lcorneliussen.de>:

> Do you mix the versions 1.4 and 1.5?
> I'm pretty sure we have some bugs around the release lifecycle in NPanday
> 1.5, though this one seems strange
> But shouldn't maven resolve the project.version?
> @Brett, any idea?
> @Octavian: Could you provide a zip file (if your example project is real
> :-))
> _
> Lars
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Octavian [mailto:h.octav...@gmail.com]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 15:21
> An: npanday-users@incubator.apache.org
> Betreff: Maven release gives error on multi-module project
> Hello again,
> I use org.apache.npanday.plugins:maven-compile-plugin:1.4.0-incubating
> and org.apache.npanday.plugins:maven-resgen-plugin:1.5.0-internal (I
> released locally the version 1.5.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT) for my multi-module
> project.
> If I run "mvn clean install" it goes to success, but when I try to release
> with "mvn -Dresume=false -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
> -DpreparationGoals="clean install" release:clean release:prepare
> release:perform" it fails at module B because it can't get the dependency
> module A. The compile plugin doesn't resolve Maven variables and it tries
> to download com.example:A:dll:${project.version}
> ex:
> Inside pom.xml from module B
>         <dependency>
>             <groupId>com.example</groupId>
>             <artifactId>A</artifactId>
>             <version>${project.version}</version>
>             <type>dll</type>
>         </dependency>
> Why at install phase the NPanday compile plugin finds A dependency, but at
> release time it don't?
> Thanks,
> Octavian

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