It would not bother me in the least if he is changing the membership structure 
or cost. It has irriated me since Musicology that droves of people joined only 
for ticket access...and it seems that way to me because I met many of them! 
Most fan clubs do have yearly  membership dues....tho for that you usually do 
get something over and above preferred tickets.

What I think is more likely, however,  is that it is costing him far more than 
he is earning with it AND that he is getting bored with it all, regardless of 
how many awards he's won. The awful thing is if he would just sell us MUSIC or 
VIDEOS or PICTURES (sue me, I like pictures of him) instead of the ridiculous 
(and ridiculously overpriced) stuff in the "store" he would probably have a 
continually positive cash flow.


<Moderator: Once upon a time they started off in the right direction then 
bomb completely wrong direction  -Derek>

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