I volunteer to HELP...

<Moderator: Cool we have another Volunteer! Robin, Lisa and Portia I suggest
you gals start putting your heads together as soon as you can so we keep the
ball rolling.  I don't know who wants to take lead here  -Derek>
In a message dated 10/4/2006 11:17:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Lawd If  I could I would.  I have enough problems just finding where 
everything is  in NYC on it's own.


The only reason I don't get lost going  to Penn Station is because the train

drops me off there.

I always make  it to my destination, but I guarantee you, I get lost at
4 times before  I get there.

But if someone needs help, I'll do what I can.  As  long as I'm in town.
be more than happy to help.

Robin aka  CherryMoon

<Moderator: LOL, very useful website to keep bookmarked  is 
www.hopstop.com. It gives you door to door information. Its really  handy 
for getting around in New York.

Anyone want to volunteer to  help Robin organize an NPNY dinner?  It would 
be nice to see  peeps.Its been a pretty quite year.   -Derek>

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