Dear all,

I got a problem in implementing the AOMDV routing protocol. Hope you guys
could lend me a helping hand.

Firstly, after we integrated the AOMDV in NS2.27, we ns run.tcl provided by
the "AOMDV codes for NS2.1b4a",
and We have this problem:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ex]$ ns run.tcl
invalid command name "Netif/SharedMedia"
    while executing
"Netif/SharedMedia set CPThresh_ 10.0"
    (file "run.tcl" line 80)
I have googled on the internet and find out that some people had the same
problems as I do both in 2003 and 2005, however, no one has a solution till

One of them did the same thing as I did last night by replacing
the "Netif/SharedMedia" with "Phy/WirelessPhy", and then we
have this error:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ex]$ ns run.tcl
******: no errormodel specified.
couldn't read file "cmu/scripts/mobile_node.tcl": no such file or
   while executing
"source.orig cmu/scripts/mobile_node.tcl"
   ("uplevel" body line 1)
   invoked from within
"uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]"
   invoked from within
"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {
set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName]
uplevel eval $buffer
} else {
uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]
   (procedure "source" line 8)
   invoked from within
"source cmu/scripts/mobile_node.tcl"
   (file " run.tcl" line 179)

If you have similar or same experience as I do, would you please tell me
what to do next if I have the two
problems above?  Any suggestion, ideas or hints would be appreciated!
Looking forward to you guys soon!

Sincerely yours,

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