Matthias Budde wrote:
> Hi,
> on completion of any allinone installation, you're ask to set a bunch of 
> PATHs:
> -----
> [...]
> (2) You MUST put /opt/ns2/ns-allinone-2.29/tcl8.4.11/library into your 
> TCL_LIBRARY environmental
>     variable. Otherwise ns/nam will complain during startup.
> (3) [OPTIONAL] To save disk space, you can now delete directories tcl8.4.11
>     and tk8.4.11. They are now installed under 
> /opt/ns2/ns-allinone-2.29/{bin,include,lib}
> -----
> Isn't step 2 unnecessary? I forgot to do so and all worked fine for me. Also, 
> in optional step 3 you're free to delete the folder you've set a path to 
> before anyway...
> -Matt

Thanks, I agree that it should be changed for the future.  Will do.


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