Hello Tim,

I've not personally used the NoAH extension myself, so I cannot completely 
figure out which would be your problem.

Nevertheless, why do you use the prev_hop? I don't see the difference here 
between NoAH and any other routing protocol. If you have received a message 
from a base station via an interface, you might want to use that interface 
to contact to the base station in the future. In this sense, I think that 
you may want to get the interface index in the same way as it is explained 
in the document (see Listing 4.6), and use that in the map.

Hope that this can help you.

At 14:15 06/02/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
>i'm still stuck on transfering data via different channels using NOAH (NO 
>AdHoc Routing). maybe you can figure out if there is something wrong with 
>my approach.
>i use only one mobile node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an 
>home agent and a corresponding node.
>as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the
>interface. i use the "prev_hop" field in the common-header to associate
>the interface.
>in the "forwardPacket" function of NOAH - which is for unicast 
>transmissions - i use the information stored in the map to send the 
>packets through the correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, 
>but fails for interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the 
>channels between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and 
>interface 0 fails.
>did i miss something?
>         tim
>Ramon Aguero schrieb:
>>Hello Tim,
>>thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when copying 
>>and pasting the code to the file.
>>The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the arptable_ 
>>is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think you need to 
>>change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.
>>Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
>>$self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
>>for {set i 0} {$i < $nifs_} {incr i} {
>>$netif_($i) reset
>>$mac_($i) reset
>>$ll_($i) reset
>>$ifq_($i) reset
>>if { [info exists opt(imep)] && $opt(imep) == "ON" } {
>>$imep_($i) reset
>>if { $arptable_($i) != "" } {
>>$arptable_($i) reset
>>PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure -- 
>>in the web page:
>>At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
>>>great job as far as i can see.
>>>anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
>>>in "Node/MobileNode instproc reset" i couldn't find any differences to 
>>>the original.
>>>i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every arptable_ 
>>>into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable arptable :(
>>>any hints out there?
>>>Ramon Aguero schrieb:
>>>>Dear all,
>>>>We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
>>>>framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
>>>>information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
>>>>this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.
>>>>In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities 
>>>>in this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which 
>>>>are the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of 
>>>>the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be 
>>>>adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled "Adding 
>>>>Multiple Interface Support in NS-2" and it has been written by my 
>>>>colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.
>>>>I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:
>>>>We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve 
>>>>the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, 
>>>>adding new features as they are available.
>>>>Best regards,
>>>>Ramón Agüero Calvo
>>>>Dept. of Communications Engineering
>>>>Network Planning & Mobile Communications
>>>>University of Cantabria
>>>>Avda Castros s/n
>>>>39005 - Santander
>>>>Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
>>>>Fax: +34 942 201 488

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