I used ns2 simulator to create trace files in two formats from tdma

1) old wireless format
2) new wireless format

I usually feed this to "tracegraph" to get my results and plot them. I have
been looking for custom AWK/PERL scripts to write those analysis myself.

In the old wireless format , with some simple counts and pattern matching, i
can find the generated packets, dropped packets and bytes, forwarded packets
and bytes. But sent packets: i couldnt find anyway that matches with the
output from the tracegraph file.

And when i run the same scripts for the new wireless format .. [ i mean the
idea same with counts ] , most of the parameters differ. Basically, i have
to come up with scripts to calculate average delay, variation in delays (or
jitter), throughput in bits per seconds, packets

Is there any available scripts already, or any documentation that can lead
me to find the exact definition of how to calculate these.[ in the new
wireless format ].

I tried this link
http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2004-September/044669.html from
the archives, but no luck.


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