Dear all,
     Now I meet a tough problem that I can not configure ns . when I run ns in 
command line prompt. It gives me that information :
"When configured, ns found the right version of tclsh in 
/home/wjw101/ns-allinon e-2.30/bin/tclsh8.4<BR>but it doesn't seem to be there 
anymore, so ns will fall back on running the fir st tclsh in your path. The 
wrong version of tclsh may break the test suites. Rec onfigure and rebuild ns 
if this is a problem.<BR>%"
I can also run TCL script, but when i modified the *.cc  and  *.h file  and run 
make  make  depend make command,  I find that modification does not work , I do 
not konw why it is.
    my system configuration is that: intel cpu , fedora core 5 linux,  ns-2.30 .
I install ns-2.30 in wjw100,wjw101,wjw103  user. 
    any advice and  help will be  appreciated!
    So I am appreciate you a lot for that I have a lot experiment to do in it.
                                 yours sincerely                                
Wang Junwei                   


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