Hi Friends,

I want to generate trace file ( for target buffer in my protocol), here my
simulation is hanging if "*$ns at [expr $now+$time]
"record_target_input_buffer"" *is present if I am commenting this line then
it is working (means I am not able to call recurcesively ), Please suggest
me what mistake I may be doing ....

# Trace IPx input target buffer
set st_tr_IPx [open stbus_trace_IPx.tr w]
proc record_target_input_buffer {} {
    global st_tr_IPx IP1

    set ns [Simulator instance]
    set time 2e-9
    set buff_tar1 [$IP1 set buffer_targ]
    set now [$ns now]

    puts $st_tr_IPx "$now $buff_tar1"

*   $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record_target_input_buffer"*

$ns at 0.0 "record_target_input_buffer"

$ns at 60.0 "finish"

Thanks & Regards,
Udit Kumar
IIT Delhi

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