Arun Peri wrote:
>  HI ,
> Dear Arun Peri 
> For graph designing their are many tools in NS2.... like xgraph, trace
> graph, gnuplot etc and in windows environment there is a good one that is
> sigmaplot. They can be easily downloaded from internet. 
> For linux version for NS2... Gnu plot is good one and easier one also.
> Thats why I recommend you to use gnuplot. becasue tracegraph and xgraph
> have not much options. 
> For Gnuplot I can help you as I can tell you how to start making simple
> graph in gnuplot. And I am sure if you will be able to design a simple
> graph than it will not be much difficult to enhance your graph
> expertise....
> STEPS for use and design for gnuplot.
> 1. If you are using NS2 on LInux system then GNUPLOT will be there by
> default. If you are using NS2 on windows system through cygwin then I am
> not sure about that. YOu can check it through typing GNUPLOT on terminal
> window . If you will get any file missing message like file is not
> specified than it means gnuplot is installed and dont have to reisntall
> it. ALternatively you can download it from.
> you will need
> .tar.gz for linux and .zip for windows. 
> 2. Installation is very easy. You will find easy methods through foloowing
> links
>     only in case of windows system you will need instalation and download,
> otherwise no need.  
> 3. After confirming installation. you must gave to check the environment
> variable. in basch file.
> 4.Following files will be related with your work
>     a. Graph.p       (code file for gnuplot)
>     b.      ( trace file from which gnuplot will take readings
> for ploting a graph-- you have to take your readings   
>                             from your code 
>                            first coloumn is always X-axis and second
> coloumn is Y-axis and son on )
>     c. Graph.eps    ( actual graph image file --can be generated after
> running the graph.p file --. It is eps file extension. you can only open
> in linux . If windows you can open it through IRFAN VIEW software 
> otherwise ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR can also open this file on windows)
> 5. Now put the graph.p file in the folder where your file (yours)
> is available and from terminal window go to that destination and just
> write GNUPLOT 
>     on terminal window you will get GNUPLOT> .
> 6. please also check the trace file path in GRAPH.P file. it is necessary
> to provide file path there in code file.
> 7. just write GNUPLOT> load "graph.p"
> 8. and you will have a graph. 
> " COngratulations on your having a graph successfully"
> 9. you can exit from gnuplot through EXIT command.
> 10. for remaining commands for Graph plottiong. you have to explore its
> tutorial, mailing list for ns2 (I recommend you to join the mailing list
> of libnux.
>      Follwing links can give you much information you need. 
>  ==========================
> =============================
> set title "XYZ"
> set xlabel "SEC(Seconds) "
> set ylabel "BW"
> set xrange [0:1300]
> set yrange [0:110]
> #set multiplot
> #set size 0.5, 0.5
> #set origin 0.0, 0.5
> set grid
> set boxwidth 20
> #plot "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/"  using 1:2
> with lines lt 1 lw 2 title 'My Work'
> plot "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/" using 1:2
> title 'Previous Work' with linespoints , \
>    "/home/XYZ/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mygrid/graph/" using 3:4
> title 'My Work' with linespoints
> #set tmargin 0
> #set bmargin 0
> set term post eps enhan "Helvetica" 60   
> set out "combine-curve-time.eps"
> #set nomultiplot
> ======================================================
> first row represents X axis and second row represents Y axis
> ======================================
> TRACE FILE format
> =====================
> 10  9
> 30  12
> 50  27
> 70  28
> 90  33
> 110  39
> 130  43
> 150  44
> 170  48
> 190  52
> 210  57
> 320  58
> 330  60
> 370  65
> 450  66
> 470  68
> 490  75
> 530  79
> 550  81
> 1280  100
> =================================
> Hope it will help you.
> Regrads
> Saim Ghafoor
> M.S Student
> Hanyang University 
> South Korea
> ==============================================================================
> hello
> i am new to ns2 and am learning simulations.. i am doing a project in
> adhoc routing protocols as part of my MTech dissertation.. i have done a
> few simulations of wireless nodes.. i need to compare the performace of 
> three or more routing protocols.. can anyone please help me and let me
> know as to how to generate graphs from the trace files.. how do i plot the
> performace of a particular routing metric say throughput of three
> protocols on  the same graph.. i know the doubt may be silly but i think
> as a beginner i am finding it diffcult
> regards
> arun
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