
The NS Basic/Desktop forum is here, if anyone is looking for it...


Thanks for contributing this - it will be equally useful for NS Basic/CE
and NS Basic/Desktop users.

>I just put an example program in the desktop forum with functions to
>read long and short integers and single float binary data and convert to
>ascii. Its not really my work but I hope it helps someone. 
>--- In, "michiman56" <rriemer...@...> wrote:
>> I may have answered this myself.
>> A "newObjects.utilctls.SFBinaryData" object may give me what I need,
>at least to bypass the overhead of conversion to a hex string and then
>back to a Byte array.  I'll still have to iterate over the returned
>values (Integers) from the API calls, but at least this should be a
>little less work for the poor old device's processor.
>> --- In, "michiman56" <rriemersma@> wrote:
>> >
>> > Yes, it is true that VBScript will throw an exception as soon as you
>try to "touch" a Variant containing anything of Byte subtype.  I'm well
>aware of that long-standing limitation on the desktop as well.
>> > 
>> > You can perform limited manipulation of Byte arrays though using
>helper objects.  On the desktop ADO.Stream objects can be very handy
>helpers.  Msxml2.Xmlhttp has a .responseBody property that returns Byte
>arrays and newObject's SFStream has .ReadBin() and .WriteBin() methods
>that work with them just as you described.
>> > 
>> > A really LONG way around might be to take results back from a
>DECLAREd call (as Integers) and convert these to a hex string and then
>back once more to get a Byte array using newObject's StringUtilities...
>> > 
>> > ... but seriously, folks! ;)
>> > 
>> > No, both memory and cycles are too precious on a CE/WM device.  I'll
>need to think about this more I guess.
>> > 
>> > Thanks for the heads up though.  This was valuable feedback.
>> > 
>> > - Bob
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