Paul, you made my day! I needed a good harmless giggle. It's brilliant.

I've pinned it up by my desk for next and any time I need a lift.

The original is a long-time favourite of mine for sadder moments.


On 4 Jan 2009, at 17:28, Paul Gretton wrote:

   Ladeez and genteelmen!! Welcome to the Grand Ol' Opry! Purleez take
your pardners for the next dance. And this time it's the upbeat version
   of Thomas of Celano's great 13th-century classic RANT, y'all's ol'
   favorite, the "Dies irae":

   A wun, two, a wun, two, three, four...

   Dies irae! dies illa

   Solvet saeclum in favilla

   Teste David cum Sibylla!

   Quantus tremor est futurus,

   quando judex est venturus,

   cuncta stricte discussurus!



   Paul Gretton


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