I understand members' concern about the choice of a politician to be
   the next President of the Northumbrian Pipers' Society and under other
   circumstances I would share this concern.  However, my knowledge of
   Joyce Quin makes me happy to have her as President.  When she was new
   to piping, Colin Ross suggested that she come to me for lessons.  She
   was already a competetent piper, so we just got together to play from
   time to time as long as her commitments allowed.  I found her to be
   very agreeable company and a good and enthusiastic piper.  I have heard
   no news reports of her activities that would make her unsuitable to be
   our President.

   One of the traditional roles of the President is to chair the Annual
   General Meeting.  Our previous two Presidents have not been in a
   position to do this, so Colin Ross, as Chairman of the Society, took on
   the job.  His manner of chairing the 2008 AGM caused such concern among
   those present that it was proposed, and passed, that in future, when
   the President could not chair the AGM, it should be chaired by a
   Vice-president who is not also a member of the executive committee.
   This arrangement was used at the 2009 AGM.  If Colin Ross were
   President I have no reason to believe that his chairing of future AGMs
   - or, more importantly, his general conduct in the office - would be
   any less contentious than his chairing of previous AGMs.  Therefoe, in
   spite of his long association with and many contributions to the
   Northumbrian Pipers' Society, I could not support him to be President
   of the Society.

   Ann Sessoms

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