I apologise to those on the list who are not members of the
   Northumbrian Pipers' Society, but, as there is no alternative place to
   post my comments, I will post them here.

   I was sorry to hear of the demise of Jim Bryan.  I served on the NPS
   committee with him in times B.C. (Before Colin).  I had thought of
   Joyce Quin as president before the current committee's decision.  She
   is local and a player of the pipes.  I find her a very likeable
   person.  The fact that she is a politician is irrelevant, as the NPS is
   nonpolitical.  I believe that she would be above any internal Society
   squabbles whilst raising the Society's profile in the wider world.

   To be perfectly blunt, I believe that much of the disunity in the
   Society is due to Colin Ross himself.  He has set himself up as the
   sole arbiter in all things related to the pipes.  On several occasions
   I, and others, have received letters from Colin when we have done
   something which did not meet his approval.  He has also criticised
   other pipemakers in public.  Colin professes to desire unity in the
   Society, but unity would be on his terms.  The president should be
   neutral in matters of the Society;  Colin could never meet this

   Robbie Greensitt


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