Hello Francis
   I think, bonny lad, you need to see a bit of Armstrong and Miller!
   And here's me thinking I was being cool and modern.....
   I have to say, however,  I did think there was a tinge of poisoning the
   wells in some of your postings.
   As for members of the committee - I don't doubt their skills of
   administration or their integrity. What seems to be in doubt is their
   knowledge of the feelings of the full spectrum of Society members and
   their naivety in voting to exclude members from any say in this matter
   in the full knowledge that the members will be called upon to ratify
   their decision. It seems obvious to me that if the ratification process
   has to take place, a vote for steps to exclude those members is
   questionable. I'm asking the questions and so far have only received
   partial answers. I am well aware of Colin's abrasive nature and have
   disagreed with him over details of the repertoire and other issues, but
   he is a rare beast in that he understands that we are dealing with a
   fundamentally oral tradition here. A tradition that needs to be learnt
   through 90% listening and 10% playing. If the dots are used they need
   to be informed by true insight into the nuances displayed within the
   spectrum of  traditional players. It seems that this approach is not
   fully appreciated by all in authority in our Society and that worries
   quite a few of us.
   As aye

   --- On Tue, 26/5/09, Francis Wood <oatenp...@googlemail.com> wrote:

     From: Francis Wood <oatenp...@googlemail.com>
     Subject: Re: [NSP] F.a.o. Francis & others
     To: "Anthony Robb" <anth...@robbpipes.com>
     Cc: "Dartmouth NPS" <nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu>
     Date: Tuesday, 26 May, 2009, 7:54 PM

   On 26 May 2009, at 16:53, Anthony Robb wrote:
   >   Mmmma| rather harsh Francis.
   Hello Anthony,
   I'm not sure I've really tried 'harsh' . . .
   'Robust' might do quite well. I'd add 'fair'. We'll probably not agree
   on that one.
   P. S.  I'll leave it to anyone else to respond point by point to
   Anthony's mail if they have a mind to do so. I'd advise adherence to
   known facts, awareness that the issue is not only painful but complex,
   some regard for the integrity of those people who have already posted
   thoughtfully and carefully on this subject and above all, due
   consideration for the welfare of the person this is really all about.
   May I also reiterate my confidence in the NPS Committee and their
   decision. I base this on my knowledge of the people serving on the
   Committee and my admiration of their integrity and administrative


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