Perhaps I've lost the plot here, but I'm not alone. At present Northumbrian pipers have the advantage of two discussion lists, NPS Discussion and Dartmouth NPS. I think we began with a clearer sense of the difference but this has since become blurred. You can have too much of a good thing and I'm not sure I really need each mail twice when they are posted to both lists.

I think we started with the idea that NPS Discussion was for Northumbrian Pipes Society-specific issues, so as to avoid the tedium for non-members of seeing Society linen, whether clean or dirty, washed in public. Dartmouth remained for general discussion of Northumbrian small pipes topics. Some issues will drift inevitably between both groups. However Dartmouth has been going a long time, carefully tended by Wayne and it would be a shame to largely abandon it or forget what it's really for.

I'm confused. So what's the general position? What do you think?


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