I'm impressed that you find you can write decent tunes in your sleep,
   Valerio - I recently woke up from a dream with a world-beatingly
   fantastic tune in it, and to my glee found I could still remember part
   of it. Then as the layers of sleep peeled away I was mortified to
   realise I'd just re-hashed "I did it my way"... I don't even
   particularly like the song!
    Best wishes,
   Valerio M. Pelliccioni wrote:

in my experience, every place is a good place for a new melody to come up.
BTW the worst place (and the most frequent) is the bed during the REM phase...
I have to immediately stand up and write down the melody otherwise, the day afte
r, I'll forget it.


----- Original Message -----
From: [1]rich...@lizards.force9.co.uk
To: [2]...@cs.dartmouth.edu
Data: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:16:35 +0100
Subject: [NSP] Composing location

On holiday I set myself the task of writing a tune a day whether it was
rubbish or not, just to make me start writing again.
We were camping in stunning Pembroke coastal scenery... but the most
inspiring place to think of tunes, I found, was the shower; the only
problem being the risk of 50p running out & the water stopping abruptly,
so the ablutions had to happen first and fast!

Where does anyone else find is a good place to invent tunes?

Yours in hopefully non-contentious cheer,

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   1. mailto:rich...@lizards.force9.co.uk
   2. mailto:nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
   3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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